Data Lineage Tools

Complete end-to-end mapping of your data pipeline automatically built across the board

Map all your data assets from source-to-target with column-level dependencies.

Aggua developed a proprietary data engine that is built specifically for BigQuery (ZetaSQL) and Snowflake (ANSI SQL), to provide precise lineage mapping.

The uniqueness is that we support not only vanilla SQL but also the specific “dialect” of the data, which means we support all functionality provided by Snowflake and BigQuery.

“The lineage component gives us great insights so far. Aggua has all the needed capabilities we require. The next game changer is to understand the costs we are spending on our data.”

Hannan Kravitz

Data Engineering Team Lead, Artlist

This pending patent enables an easier end-to-end column-level traceability and lineage across systems in a single platform, which allows the data teams to have access to downstream dependencies to break silos & access upstream dependencies to solve data issues quickly.

Our lineage is not only showing the flow, but also showing the important events in the flow. Track and map the transformation (calculations, alias), see latest version changes and identify PII on a column-level.
Better user experience with advanced capabilities such as: quick navigation, expand/collapse, upstream/downstream, filter/tag columns, drag & drop, zoom-in/out, export and share the lineage map.

The Aggua lineage mapping is the engine that operates the entire data management solutions. Our self-service platform enables data teams to be more autonomous and to make sure they have a holistic view of the entire data stack (Orchestrator, ETL, BI & Warehouse.)

“When changing a table or a job, you can easily understand what will be affected and communicate it to the relevant people. I felt that we were in good hands, in terms of business understanding of the organizational side of things. Aggua understood how I, as head of data, will use this tool and how my employees will use it, which are different perspectives.”

Tal Montal

Head of Data, Avo